Victoria Accordion Club performs at Leavenworth Accordion Festival, Washington
A lot of great music, bratwurst, and cool beverages — the highlights of the Leavenworth Accordion Festival June 18-21. What a treat! The Victoria Accordion Club Band performed twice at the festival, and to a very appreciative audience both times.
The VAC band performed a 1/2-hour set at the gazebo in the centre of town one day, and the following day a one-hour concert at the Grange hall to a standing-room only crowd. The appreciative group gave the VAC band a standing ovation after the final selection. A thrilling performance.
A strong contingent of VAC members attended the festival, and enjoyed all the amenities of Leavenworth. The competitions, concerts, and open stage sessions were very well-attended, and displayed the skill and well-developed talents of many musicians from across Canada and the USA. On Saturday, the day was highlighted by a large parade of accordionists down the town’s main street. Hundreds of spectators lined the streets! Many said, they came to town just to see and hear this unique parade.
After each evening’s concerts, many joined in the “jam session” at one of the most popular eateries in Leavenworth — the place was literally jammed with people, elbow-room only each night. A dozen or more accordionists, often joined by a stand-up bass, banjo, guitar and other instruments entertained the raucous crowed until the wee hours of the night. A hoot!
The entire festival was very well-organized, and certainly one not to be missed, if you’re interested in a great time.
Gazebo performance:
Concert performance:
Jam sessions: