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World Accordion Day

World Accordion Day – May 6, 2016

World Accordion Day is celebrated on May 6th each year in recognition of this unique instrument, and those who enjoy playing and listening to the music it produces.  The Victoria Accordion Club and other musicians celebrated with a special concert.

An enthusiastic audience enjoyed performances by the Victoria Accordion Club band, several young aspiring and inspiring student musicians, Jelena Milojevic & Rebecca Bracewell, The BC Accordion Orchestra, and Bucan-Bucan.   It was a night to remember!

audience wide_5324 VAC band_3191[2]-1 kids orch_3199[2]-1 Jelena Rebecca_3205[2]-1 Jelena Milojevic_3204[2]-1 BC Acc Orch_3209[2]-1

For details on World Accordion Day, click this link: World Accordion Day

World accordion day-2016 poster copy
